Looking for photographers to feature on our Photo Feature.

The origin of these Photo Features comes from the initial idea for a stock photo agency called PhotoWoto. The project didn’t start because of the pandemic. However, the blog has been kept alive and has morphed into a written and aesthetic journey into still photography!

Every week, we feature one great photographer. Some of these photographers are of Indian origin. We would like to feature new and upcoming photographers along with stalwarts in the field, both in India and overseas. We are looking for talent that we can feature to help others understand and learn about this amazing field.

I first started out in the field of photography in the 1990s as Photo and Graphics Editor for the student run ENGINEER magazine at Rensselaer. In 1995 I completed my Master’s in Aerospace Engineering in the Bay Area, San Francisco. During that time, apart from engineering courses, I took many courses and workshops in art & photography and discovered the various photographic techniques used before the digital camera came about. Spending extensive time in the darkroom was a very rewarding experience. The art scene left a mark which still echoes in my subconscious. More later…