Photo Feature: Charlie Waite

Charlie Waite (born 1949) is one of the world’s leading photographers. An English landscape photographer, noted for his “painterly” approach in using light and shade, Charlie Waite is a renowned landscape photographer and founder of Landscape Photographer of the Year Award competitions in the UK and USA. Born in England, he worked in theatre and television for the first ten years of his professional life before moving to photography. He is noted for his square format images using a 6×6 Hasselblad (the company is best known for the classic medium-format cameras it produced since World War II).

“I felt spiritually enriched. I knew that a deep engagement with the landscape was really good for me, and really elevated me as a person and calmed me. I found that landscape photography leveled me. Fully engaging with my surroundings. A lot of people think that landscape photography has nothing to do with emotions, it’s just craft, and skill, and finding the right light and everything else but it settles me and I’m very enriched by it. I’m more in love with photography now than I ever have been before.” – Charlie Waite

“What advice would you give to an aspiring landscape photographer?

Find your signature and specialize. Don’t be a jack of all trades. Find your way of seeing. And be memorable for your particular way of seeing. I was given that advice, and it’s a bumpy ride, like acting. It’s really not easy. It’s precarious and insecure, but there are many different ways of seeing, and many ways that are still to be found. Make your images have meaning. And practise.” – Charlie Waite

For those tired of the 35mm format camera, you might consider a move towards the medium format camera, whereby you record images on media larger than 24 by 36 mm (full-frame) (used in 35 mm photography), but smaller than 4 by 5 inches (which is considered to be large-format photography). Medium format (film) cameras can be converted to digital by using a digital back. “As of 2013, medium-format digital photography sensors were available in sizes of up to 40.3 by 53.7 mm, with 60 million pixels for use with commonly available professional medium-format cameras.”

Here are some places where you could rent a Hasselblad camera in Mumbai:

Hasselblad camera – Rs 15,000 per day with lenses, laptop and accessories, plus transportation costs including an assistant.
